Monday 21 October 2013


Room 6 @ CAMP KAITAWA 2013
Notice #2

UPDATE – 21st October
Dear parents/caregivers
Room 6 children have a busy term ahead with many events that require parent support through November and early December, particularly around camp time, so please keep an eye on the Class Blog as all updates and notices will be posted there.

Thanks for your response to the Camp Kaitawa survey last term.  I was inundated with offers of parent help and transport for the duration of the camp.  Names had to be drawn as there were so many affirmatives and only 8 parents are required for the correct ratios.  All parents who replied will be contacted shortly.  If you missed out, it would be great if you could help out on Monday 9th December when we are optimist yachting.

Cost for the camp has been finalised at $150 per child (this includes optimist yachting on the Monday following camp).  Many thanks go to Fiona Rainbow for successfully organising a range of fundraising activities.  This reduced the cost significantly. It is important that all children attend camp so please contact the office or me as soon as possible if payment is difficult.

Camp Kaitawa has a limited number of kayaks and life jackets for us to use on Lake Wherowhero.  It would be great to have more to use.  If you have a kayak and life jacket that we could use at camp, please get in touch with me.

The clothing and gear list for camp will be out next week and it important that it is adhered to.  Raincoat, polyprops and suitable walking shoes are necessary!  To avoid expense, try borrowing or buying second hand.  Please let me know if you have extra items that could be used by other class members.

Thanks for your support
David Barclay

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Congratulations Laura

Laura competed in the Gymsport Nationals in the second week of the holidays.  She finished 1st in the vault and 10th over the 4 disciplines.

Friday 11 October 2013

Head start to Term 4 with Big Universe Learning

Room 6 has a trial period with 'Big Universe Learning' .

You can read and write online and share ideas with your classmates.

Email me for your login and password.