Friday 30 August 2013

Havelock North Tech Taster - Next Thursday

It has been a rough week in Room 6 with lots of the class away sick.  I am hoping for a better week next week as we have a visit to Havelock north Intermedite for another Tech Taster session. 

If you have not recieved a notice please ask or just write a note to hand in along with the transport money. Emailing permission is another option

28th  August

Dear Parents

The Year 6 children are to attend the second of the technology courses next week at Havelock North Intermediate.   This is another opportunity to become familiar with intermediate and making the transition in 2014 a positive one.

Our final session this Year will be 11.00 – 12.30 pm on Thursday 5th September at the Intermediate.    We will be leaving school at 10-30 travelling by bus and will return to school by 1.00 pm.  

There will be a $4.00 cost for the bus.

The children must wear their school uniform on that day and must wear covered shoes.   We wish to display the pride in our school by looking tidy and organised.

Thank you for your support

Name ___________________________________

 My child has permission to attend HNI on Thursday 5th September  10.30 – 12.30 pm, travelling by bus.

I enclose $4.00 transport cost.
Signed _______________________________________                         

Monday 26 August 2013

Wesley Wins VLK

Wesley won the short course event (2km run, 11km bike, 2km run in just over 40 minutes) at the VLK duathlon in Havellock on Sunday. (full report to come)

Thursday 22 August 2013

Mathletics Day 2

After an overnight onslaught by Room 6, we comfortably lead the HB competition while placing 3rd in NZ at the end of the school day.

Top 10 classes

Top 10 individuals

A Message From Anthony

Hi Class, How have you all been.  I have been kayaking, waka ama, fishing and my class has made ginger beer.  I hope you guys have a good few days and I will be seeing you soon. 


Wednesday 21 August 2013


AMAZING - 9.00pm on Day 1 of the ASB Mathletics Comp and Room 6 fills the top 5 places in the Hawke's Bay region

Will, Oscar, Reid, Laura and Tessa all scored the maximum number of points with several others following close behind filling 17 of the top 20 in The Bay.

The class currently has an enormous lead in the regional competition and is in third place in NZ. This score is based on the class average and shows how everyone has made a fantastic effort to help out!

Thanks mums and dads for allowing the extra computer time!

Saturday 10 August 2013


Panpac trip White Pine Bush / Lake Tutira

It was a mad rush to see who could get to sixty metres first.  I stopped at my estimated point a meter behind a row of kids who had estimated correctly.  Everyone sprinted back to the lunch are “why are we running?” I asked. “Just coz!” an unknown voice panted and the shoved past me. The parents were grinning at us running. IT WASN’T EVEN FUNNY!!! The person on the bus (Sonya) had told us all this stuff about White Pine Bush and when we had got there the DOC man told it to us all over again.

We met up with Room 5 halfway and then we turned around and they went on our track and we went on theirs. They were way quicker than us. When we got back it was time to go to Lake Tutira but not before Taj went for a swim in the drain.
By Maddison R

Thursday 8 August 2013

vfyw game and other links

Give this a try from home . . .

I found it works well in firefox (it wouldn't work in Internet Explorer)

and remember to check out Oscar and Will's blogs as they continue to update them.

There are some fantastic photos as well as great stories!

Candle trials.

Candle trials
       You light the candle (That will be sitting in a container with two cm of water.)
       You place the jar over the candle and start the stopwatch. You must record the time accurately.
The flame of the candle will use up all of the air in the jar. This will allow the water to override the jar and take the oxygen’s place.
You then stop the stopwatch and check the time. Previously you will have made an estimate of the average time.
The bigger the candle (and jar) are the longer it will take the water to knock down the candle, because the bigger the candle the stronger the candle.